Gone Girl is a bestselling thriller novel by Gillian Flynn. It was published in 2012 and adapted into a film in 2014. The book tells the story of Nick and Amy Dunne, a married couple whose lives are turned upside down when Amy disappears on their fifth anniversary, and Nick becomes the prime suspect. The book alternates between Nick's present-day perspective and Amy's diary entries, revealing their secrets, lies, and twisted personalities. Gone...
"Rosemary's Baby" by Ira Levin is a classic horror novel that has captivated readers since its publication in 1967. The book tells the story of Rosemary Woodhouse, a young woman who becomes pregnant and begins to suspect that her husband and their neighbors in their New York City apartment building are part of a sinister plot involving her baby. Themes "Rosemary's Baby" explores several key themes that add depth and complexity to the story. One...
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson is a classic of gothic horror and a seminal work in supernatural fiction. Published in 1959, it has since become a beloved and widely read book, with a reputation for its suspenseful and eerie atmosphere. Plot Summary The Haunting of Hill House takes place in the early 1950s. The book follows the story of Eleanor Vance, a young woman who has lived a sheltered life caring for her demanding...