AI recipes inspired by books

The Kitchen Daughter by Jael McHenry

The Kitchen Daughter by Jael McHenry is a captivating novel that masterfully combines the art of cooking with a compelling narrative. It is a must-read for culinary enthusiasts, as it delves into the comforting power of food and its ability to evoke memories and emotions. Plot Summary This heartwarming tale revolves around Ginny Selvaggio, a young woman with Asperger's Syndrome. She seeks solace in the kitchen. Following the sudden loss of her...

Aji de Gallina

Jael McHenry, The Kitchen Daughter At the end, the aji comes together as it should, its yellows and whites correct, the black olives like punctuation. I lower my nose to the dish and inhale. It smells like creaminess. There’s a slight heat in the yellow pepper, a sweet note, and of course the blooming color. Aji de Gallina Spice up your mealtime with Aji de Gallina! Picture this: tender shredded chicken in a zesty Peruvian yellow chili sauce,...

Georgia Peach Cocktail

Jael McHenry, The Kitchen Daughter I brace myself to drink at least a little. I decide to count to three first. So I’m awkwardly hunched when the woman’s voice behind me says, “That doesn’t look entirely dignified, but I admire your spirit.” Georgia Peach Cocktail A refreshing and vibrant drink that showcases the essence of Georgia's beloved peaches. This cocktail combines ripe peaches, vodka, peach liqueur, and a splash of lime...

Authentic Scottish Shortbread

Jael McHenry, The Kitchen Daughter But out of the mess I make a dozen ideal shortbread wedges, perfect in shape, size and flavor. Warm and delicate. With a glass of cold milk, they are delicious. When shortbread melts on your tongue, you feel the roundness of the butter and the kiss of the sugar and then they vanish. Then you eat another, to feel it again, to get at that moment of vanishing. Scottish Shortbread Authentic Scottish shortbread or...

Best Ribollita

Jael McHenry, The Kitchen Daughter The spicy, creamy, comforting scent of ribollita drifts upward. I breathe it in.I’m opening the silverware drawer for a spoon when I notice her. On the step stool in the corner of the kitchen, next to the refrigerator, sits Nonna. She is wearing a bright yellow shaker sweater and acid-washed jeans.Nonna has been dead for twenty years.Nonetheless, she’s right there. Wearing what she wore and looking how she...