AI recipes inspired by books

Traditional Homemade Mead

Neil Gaiman, American Gods “Okay,” said Shadow. “I tasted it. What was it?”“Mead,” said Wednesday. “Honey wine. The drink of heroes. The drink of the gods.”Shadow took another tentative sip. Yes, he could taste the honey, he decided. That was one of the tastes. “Tastes kinda like pickle juice,” he said. “Sweet pickle juice wine.” Traditional Homemade Mead Traditional homemade mead is a fermented honey beverage that can...

Hearty Meat and Vegetable Pasties

Neil Gaiman, American Gods “Breakfast for me,” said Shadow. “What’s good?”“Everything’s good,” said Mabel. “I make it. But this is the furthest south and east of the yoopie you can get pasties, and they are particularly good. Warming and filling too. My specialty.”Shadow had no idea what a pasty was, but he said that would be fine, and in a few moments Mabel returned with a plate with what looked like a folded-over pie on...